This class (seedless) has a fast accretion of the plant in the first year of its life so that, in 1 year and 3 months only, it produces about 20/25 kg of fruit.
Its productivity potential, starting from the second year onwards, is around 35/40 tons per hectare .
This fruit has a medium-size of 400/500 g with a red peel and a bright red inner with a Brix degree that goes from 18 to 20.
The terrain on which the installation will be placed, must be set up with organic matter and the “convexing” of the lines. The installation of the patented plants must be set up with a sixth of 2.5 meters per 5 lines in order to have 800 plants/ha.
The installation must be equipped by drippers with a diameter of 16 mm with a 1.3 Liters per hour range. Water basic necessities amount for the plantation is 1500-2000 cubic meters per hectare every year.
Incoming potential for the farmer from 15.000 to 25.000 € and even more per ha.